Saturday, January 25, 2014

First post, yay!

Hello world! And welcome to our blog!
We are so excited to be writting our first post, we've been planing this blog for months!

As you read in our description, we are Alba and Ankara, two students of English Philology from Spain.

This blog will be about everything and anything. Every week we'll upload different sections which are:
A section about clothes and fashion, written by Alba. Clothes she likes, she wears, and things related to fashion like new collections. And everything will be affordable for everyone because, let's be clear, none of us is rich.

This one will be about films and TV series (this one will have usually lots of spoilers so beware), written by both of us. New films, premiers, series we like, series that are coming and everything related to them.

Obviously, everyone needs a section for book reviews (full of reaction gifs), written by Ankara. Recommendations of books, opinions about the ones she has read, and the authors & characters.

A section about make-up, also written by Alba because let's be serious, she's the stylish one. Tips about make-up, skin care, hair and , in general, beauty. As the fashion, all the products in this section will be affordable for most of the people.

Aaand, of course, a music section, written by the two of us. This section will be about music groups we like or new ones we discover, songs we like, concerts and albums. We'll also choose "The CD or band of the month"

We'll try to upload as fecuently as possible, we think for the start we'll upload a post or two every week, on Saturday because it's the best day of the week hahaha, but if you like what we write we'll upload more. Also if you are not from an english speaking country, or you aren't very good at English, we could make the same posts in Spanish so everyone could read them, just tell us. (Si no tenéis problemas para entender nuestros posts en inglés y queréis que los hagamos también en español sólo tenéis que decírnoslo, lo haremos encantadas :)  )

If you would like to read our posts every week, just subscribe :). Thanks to everybody! You can follow us on Twitter( private ones: @Corrupted_POV , @alba_alonso and the one of the blog @Awkward_Mess_ ), Instagram (private ones: corrupted_pov and  albaalo  ). 

Alba & Ankara