Saturday, March 8, 2014


Hello everyone! First of all, we're sorry for the lack of posts lately but we've been very busy at uni and unfortunately it's been impossible for us to upload buuuuuut we hope you like this post anyway :). Here are some of the things we've been loving in February:


Ankara hasn't watched this film yet but I have and it's now one of my favourite films ever. When I watched it the first thing I loved (after Leonardo DiCaprio of course) was the clothes....OMG they are sooo beautiful and colourful! Actually the film has won an Oscar for it and I couldn't agree more. This film is based in the novel "The Great Gatsby" and it happens in the early 1920s, it tells the story of Gatsby's life, who is a successful and rich man, and his love for a girl, Daisy. 
I have to admit  I thought this film was just a love story: a boy and a girl fall in love, they have problems with people because they don't want them to be together but finally they succeed and bla bla bla. BUT IT ISN'T. It has an ending that I wasn't expecting at all and the film had me with my eyes wide open all the time.
Also, I think Leonardo DiCaprio is a huge huge reason to see the film hahaha and its soundtrack includes the song "Young and Beautiful" by Lana del Rey. Here's the trailer:


Lately we both can't stop listening to 'How to be a heartbreaker', is stuck in our heads hahaha her attitude is just wow, she's a strong and independent woman that doesn't need a man to be happy. This song will always cheer you up! And the video is so provocative, just like one a man would do (with all those girls half naked), Marina is fully dressed and surrounded by hot, half naked boys.... and well, who wouldn't like to be in her shoes? ;) 


This isn't a "make-up" thing really but they're amazing!!! I have been buying this balms aaaaaaall the winter and I have had like three or four hahaha They hydrate your lips for a long long period of time and you have an incredible range of them in all the flavours. (Now I want one, thanks Alba ¬.¬ )
Also they have "Babylips colour" ones, that are like a lipgloss, and you have different colours to choose. unfortunately I haven't seen these ones in Spain but I hope they will be available here soon *fingers crossed* 


Obviously it isn't a proper food hahaha but it is candy and...who doesn't like candy sometimes? 
They come in a pack (they have different ones)  which depending of its colour they taste different: the green ones (which are sour), the light blue ones (tropical), the red ones (I think they're the MAIN type, just candy), the dark blue ones (I honestly have never tasted them) and the purple ones (wild berry) I'm sure there are more types but these are the ones I have seen.
When I was in London last summer I loved them and when I came back, I introduced Ankara to them aaaaaaaaand she has become an addict too hahahaha. Thank God, they've opened a shop in our city that sells American food and candy...Now we can eat them everytime we want!
Our favourite one is the red package:

It has different flavours inside of it, depending on its colour it tastes differente: green ones are lime, yellow ones are lemon, purple ones are blackberry (these are the best ones <3), etc.


We know we've already made a post about this series but, we love it soooooooooo much. It is an incredible series and on season 3 they are making such good episodes and everything with plot twist and OMG we can't wait for the next one to come out! There are only three more episodes left to end this season and they are going to be so full of emotion that they're going to give us chest pains ._____.
If you want to know more about Teen Wolf we'll link our post of it :

What can I say about this absolutetly amazing and perfect book? Rainbow Rowell catches perfectly the life of the typical tumblr blogger from the fandom side. Cat is a fanfiction writter that starts university
 with her twin, Wren who wants to start a new life without Cat (very kind of her, you know?). There, Cat meets Levi (*squeals*) and Reagan, who help her survive the difficult (and lonely) universitarian life.
I can relate to Cat in so many ways! She's awkward, shy and she's obsessed with Simon Snow (a series of books deliberately similar to Harry Potter). To sum up, for the rest of the world she's a freak.
I'll definitely do a longer review of this book so I won't tell you anything else...just read it!

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: ' Love yourself so no one has to' 

This is a lyric from "Therapy" by All Time Low, one of the most beautiful songs of all time <3 Now is Ankara who's talking hahaha. This song means so much to me, as you will see if you scroll down a little bit.
It talks about always being yourself no matter what, but I'll let Alex (the lead singer) tell you about it with his own words


These are our FEBRUARY FAVOURITES in capital letters hahaha. At the beginning of February each one of us got a tattoo:
Alba's tattoo.

Ankara's tattoo.

We were think about getting these long time ago and finally we decided to make it yeyyyyyy! We just want to share them with you :)

So we hope you've enjoyed this post, let us know in the comments and if you had suggestions or something you want to tell us do it as well! And if you have liked it, why not to share this with your friends or someone who would like it? It will be very nice of you :)

 ❤️ Ankara & Alba  ❤️